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  • Easy Fix Restoration & Remodeling

What causes mold?!??


What is causing this ugly stuff growing in my beautiful house?


Mold is everywhere believe it or not. Mold in the home needs 3 things to thrive.

  1. Water

  2. Food

  3. Oxygen



Mold spores will not be elevated without the presence of a water source whether that be a roof leak or a leaking supply line in the wall.

Mold loves to eat cellulose rich materials which include your wood framing, drywall, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, or your carpet.

To thrive, in addition to a water source and food mold also needs a high relative humidity in the air. Typically our homes RH (Relative Humidity) should be between 30-50%. Once the relative humidity in an area starts to creep up past the 60% mold growth becomes a concern.

When it comes down to it, the two most important things to avoid fungal growth inside your home is..

  1. Keep it clean

  2. Keep it dry

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